Monthly report of the Internal Service for Prevention and Protection at Work (IDPBW)
Prevention starts with creating a good overview

Each company is required by Art. II. 1-6, § 1, 2°, a. of the Codex to prepare a Monthly Report or Quarterly Report in addition to the Global Prevention Plan, Annual Action Plan and Annual Report. Yet, in practice, we see that quite a few companies are still unsure what exactly this entails and why it can be beneficial for their welfare policy. That is why we take a closer look at this in this blog.
Table of contents
Monthly or quarterly report
Every company has an Internal Office for Prevention and Protection at Work that is responsible for the well-being of its employees. Depending on the size of the company or institution, they are responsible for preparing a Monthly Report or a Quarterly Report.
Each enterprise is divided into groups A, B, C or D based on their size and risk level. All enterprises in group A (more than 1,000 employees or high risk level), group B (200 to 1,000 employees or high risk) and group C+ (between 50 and 200 employees) are required to prepare a monthly report every month. The enterprises falling under group C- ( between 20 and 50 employees) and group D (less than 20 employees) should prepare a monthly report every three months ((Codex art. II. 1-6, § 1, 2°, a). ).
Need help with formatting
a monthly report?
Contents monthly report IDPBW
The contents of a monthly report or quarterly report are the same, only the frequency of formatting differs. The report has a set structure that a company can rely on. It consists of seven blocks which are briefly listed below. Using the following questions, you can prepare a monthly report for your organisation (Codex Annex II. 1-2).
What activities did your Internal Service for Prevention and Protection at Work engage in and what were your relations with the External Department?
- What searches have taken place in the past month related to the welfare of your employees?
- Have any particular risks been found?
- Have workplace accidents happened to your own employees, temporary workers or contractors’ employees and how were they followed up?
- What prevention measures were taken last month?
- How is the follow-up of the annual action plan progressing? Which issues still need to be realised and which have been realised in the meantime?
- Have certain changes occurred in the following matters?
- The organisational chart of your organisation
- The environmental permit for the operation of your establishment and imposed operating conditions
- The reports of the Committee on Prevention and Protection at Work
- The reports, certificates and official reports provided by recognised organisations such as EDTC
- Suggestions from the fire brigade
Once the report has been drawn up, it will be kept internally. If there is a Committee of Prevention and Protection at Work in your organisation, the monthly report together with the monthly invitation to the Committee of Prevention and Protection at Work will be sent to all members (Codex art. II. 7-24).

The importance of a Monthly Report
When all these issues are discussed in the Monthly Report, it allows you to obtain a good overview of what is happening in your company in the short term regarding your well-being policy. You will gain a better understanding of your company’s risks and will be able to propose preventive measures at an early stage. Finally, all these reports in turn form a basis for drawing up the Annual Report.
Need help?
Are you unsure where to start when preparing a Monthly Report or other reports such as the Global Prevention Plan and Annual Action Plan? Or do you need temporary support to optimise your prevention policy?
Then feel free to contact us!
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