How do I create a perfect annual action plan?
Plan, execute, follow up and improve.

Table of contents
Where does the annual action plan fit into my policies?
The annual action plan is an integral part of your organisation’s overarching prevention policy. As a concrete consequence of the dynamic risk management system, the annual action plan is part of the global prevention plan.
Rapid (technological) developments mean that risks, possible measures and other crucial details can vary greatly from year to year. The annual action plan ensures that the content of your policy is always relevant and current.
When should my plan be in place?
As the name suggests, an annual action plan should be prepared each year. It is crucial to start on time, as hastily prepared plans often fall short in content and quality.
According to
Art. I.2-10 of the Codex the employer must submit the annual action plan ‘no later than the first day of the second month prior to the start of the service year to which it relates’.
In other words, the annual action plan for the coming year must be submitted by Nov. 1 of the current year at the latest.
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for your annual action plan?
What does the content of an annual action plan include?
The minimum legal requirements for an annual action plan are laid down in the Codex on well-being at work (Art. I.2-9).
In cooperation with members of the hierarchy and occupational prevention and protection services, the employer draws up an annual action plan to promote well-being at work for the following service year. The plan will be in writing and includes:
- Priority objectives for the next fiscal year's prevention policy.
- The means and methods to achieve these objectives.
- The assignments, obligations and resources of all persons involved.
- The adjustments to be made to the global prevention plan because of:
- changed circumstances,
- accidents,
- the annual report of the internal service,
- opinions of the Committee during the past civic year.
Thus, the crucial components of an annual action plan are the goals, means, methods and responsibilities related to prevention for the coming year.
Who will be involved in formatting?
Since the annual action plan has a direct impact on the day-to-day operations of an organisation, it is essential to involve all members of the hierarchy. Specifically, this includes all persons in any part of the company who are authorized in some way to give orders to employees.
The role of the employer
As the person ultimately responsible for drawing up the plan, the employer works with members of the hierarchy and, if present, the internal occupational safety department.
Art. I.2-2 provides that the employer is responsible for the structural approach to prevention, while Art. I.2-13 emphasizes that the obligations of others do not detract from the principle of employer responsibility.
Do not underestimate this; the employer always remains responsible for the prevention policy.
The importance of the prevention advisor
Given the employer’s ongoing responsibility, it is natural to draw up the strongest possible plan.
Here, the experience of the prevention advisor plays a crucial role. Often, an in-house prevention advisor does not have a full-time focus on prevention and his experience remains limited due to a lack of regular in-service training. This makes it difficult to create a quality plan and be on time, especially given other responsibilities. If the business manager himself acts as prevention advisor, this problem may be exacerbated, given the limited time available.
An external prevention consultant:
the benefits
Since the employer always remains responsible, it makes sense to strive for the best plan. This is where the experience of the prevention advisor comes in handy.
An external prevention advisor offers several advantages when drawing up an annual action plan and other aspects of the policy:
- The employer or internal consultant needs to invest significantly less time.
- More experience available.
- A fresh perspective on policy is introduced.
- An outside consultant is often better informed about legislation and other developments.
Looking for clarity?
What should be in an annual action plan? Who is responsible for planning? When should my plan be ready? How often should I make a new plan? What is an annual action plan?
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