Training: Recognising Asbestos

Leer asbest herkennen

Asbest in gebouwen blijft een veelvoorkomend probleem in België. Heb je interesse om te leren hoe je dit gevaarlijke materiaal kunt herkennen?

Er bestaat geen twijfel over de gevaren van asbest. Sinds het Koninklijk Besluit van 2006 zijn alle bouwvakkers die in aanraking komen met asbest verplicht om een opleiding te volgen over de behandeling van dit materiaal.

Als bouwprofessional is het van groot belang dat je asbest en asbesthoudende materialen in al hun vormen kunt herkennen. Pas nadat je deze vaardigheid hebt ontwikkeld, kun je overgaan tot veilige asbestverwijdering.

Onze opleidingen richten zich op het begrijpen van de risico’s en gevaren van besloten ruimtes, evenals op het aanleren van methoden om met deze risico’s om te gaan.



The training covers about 8 hours and
takes place on one day.
Annual refresher training of 8 hours is mandatory.

Certificate of participation

After training and internal testing, we provide a certificate of participation.


€ 1200 excl. VAT (total)
for maximum 12 participants


asbest eenvoudige handelingen
asbest eenvoudige handelingen



asbest eenvoudige handelingen

Prevom: a recognised training partner

We attach great importance to the quality of our training courses. This is why we make every effort to continue to guarantee this high quality.

Prevom has obtained various qualifications and recognitions thanks to this proactive attitude.

More information on all our accreditations can be found here.


Prevom is a recognised service provider under the SME portfolio.

Thanks to this recognition, your company can make use of financial concessions from the SME-P for our training courses.


Prevom is also an approved service provider by WSE (Work Social Economy) of the Flemish government. This entitles our training PAIII to Flemish training leave. Recognition number: ODB-1002616

Prevom has successfully completed a Qfor audit.

This quality label (aimed at training courses and consultancy) is indicative of the quality of our training courses.

We are committed to guaranteeing the quality of our training courses in various ways.

Prevom is a BeSaCC-approved examination centre. This means that Prevom is officially allowed to conduct exams for personal SCC certificates (SCC basic and SOS-SCC).

Prevom works together with various organisations in the construction sector.

Our customers are therefore eligible for a premium for certain relevant training courses (such as safety training for the construction sector).

As a white-collar worker belonging to Joint Committee 200, you will receive financial support from Cevora and can apply for a training grant.

Alimento groups the sectoral services offered to food industry workers and employers under the management of the social partners (PC 118 and PC 220).

asbest herkennen

Plan your training

Prevom organises the perfect asbestos recognition training for your company.

Curious about the possibilities?

Contact us for more information.

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