Fire safety is vital for any business. Not only to comply with legal obligations, but above all to protect your employees, customers and company assets from the risks of fire. A sound fire prevention policy starts with the right knowledge of fire safety standards, the right procedures and the necessary certificates. Our fire safety experts offer tailor-made solutions that optimally secure and protect your company against fire risks.

We offer a full range of fire prevention for businesses that ensure your business meets all basic fire safety standards and is ready to respond quickly and efficiently in case of an emergency.
brand en evacuatie

Our expertise in fire safety:

Fire Prevention File

Carefree compliance and security.

A fire prevention file is a mandatory document for many companies and contains all relevant information on fire safety within your organisation. We help you draw up a complete and legally correct file covering all aspects of fire prevention, including the materials used, fire detection and extinguishing systems and procedures in the event of an evacuation.

We take care of the details, your company complies with the regulations and you enjoy a safe workplace.
Want to know more about our fire prevention file?

Risk analysis

Leave no room for uncertainty.

A thorough risk analysis is essential to identify and evaluate the potential fire risks within your organisation. Our experts carry out an in-depth analysis of your buildings and
processes to determine where fire risks lie and what preventive measures are necessary. On this basis, we draw up a detailed action plan specific to your sector and activities.
Our in-depth fire risk analysis uncovers any potential danger and suggests effective prevention strategies.
Want to know more about our risk analysis?

Intervention file

Efficient help starts with our intervention file.

A good intervention file can save lives. This file contains all the important information for fire brigades and other emergency services in the event of an emergency. It provides emergency services with immediate, crucial details, for a targeted and rapid response in the event of an emergency.
We make sure your intervention file is fully up-to-date and contains all essential details, such as the location of fire extinguishers, emergency exits, electricity and gas shut-offs, and other crucial information.
Want to know more about our intervention file?

Evacuation plan

No exit out of sight.

Fast and orderly evacuation can make the difference between life and death in a fire. We design user-friendly and clear evacuation plans that clearly indicate which route employees and visitors should follow in case of a fire. These plans comply with legal regulations and are tailored to the specific layout of your buildings.
Our evacuation plans are clear, accessible and tested, for maximum safety during critical moments.

Want to know more about our evacuation plans?

Signage study

We show the way, you stay safe.

Clear and visible signage is essential to ensure a safe environment. We carry out signage studies to determine where and which emergency and evacuation signs should be placed.
This ensures that everyone in your company finds their way to the nearest emergency exit quickly and efficiently, even in a stressful situation such as a fire.
With our signage study, every emergency exit, fire extinguisher and assembly point is clearly marked.
Want to know more about our signage study

During the fire safety scan, we do a systematic analysis or inspection of your building/buildings or site with the aim of assessing fire safety. Various aspects affecting fire prevention, fire detection, and fire fighting are examined. The aim of the scan is to identify potential risks or bottlenecks and make recommendations to improve fire safety.

Fire safety for electric vehicles in parking lots

Electric vehicles are gaining ground, spurred in part by government initiatives, and are naturally present in covered parking lots. In response to incidents and the various opinions circulating, there is growing concern about fire safety regulations related to these vehicles.
A clear, practical standard for fire safety related to electric vehicles in parking lots, drafted and supported by relevant stakeholders, is therefore essential.
Fireforum’s good practice standard (electric vehicles in car parks – RGV EV 20231002b) focuses on fire safety relating to electric and plug-in hybrid passenger cars and charging infrastructure in both new and existing parking facilities for regular use.
Prevom can help you prepare a risk analysis for this. Contact us for more information.
elektrisch laden

Interested in our services?
work together

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At Prevom, fire safety is synonymous with peace of mind. We understand that rules standards around fire safety are important, but even more important is the sense of security for your team and the protection of your business. We provide clarity in the maze of fire safety standards.
Our approach is clear: we assess the risks and address them effectively, allowing you to focus on your business. Simple, hassle-free.
For a thorough, reliable and expert approach to your fire safety, we are always on hand.

Choose Prevom and leave the care of fire safety the necessary certificates to us. That way, you will continue to run your business carefree, with the assurance that everything is also properly taken care of.

Contact us and find out how we can protect your business and eliminate fire safety concerns. Your safety, our mission.


Frequently asked questions fire safety fire protection (FAQ)

Yes, companies are required to prepare a fire safety plan. These regulations describe how fire prevention, evacuation and fire fighting are organised in the company. The fire safety plan must contain specific information on emergency exits, extinguishers, escape routes and the responsibilities of employees in the event of an emergency.

The exact obligations depend on the size and type of business, but some standard fire prevention measures are:

  • Install and maintain sufficient fire extinguishers.
  • Keeping escape routes and emergency exits clear.
  • Installation of smoke detectors or fire alarm systems.
  • Regular testing of fire alarm systems and emergency lighting.
  • Organising periodic evacuation drills.

Check local laws and fire safety regulations for specific requirements.

You should conduct an evacuation drill at least once a year, depending on the risks and the nature of the activities within the company. Companies with a high fire risk, may be required to conduct these drills more often. The aim is to familiarise employees with emergency procedures and ensure that evacuation is as quick and safe as possible.

The fire safety prevention advisor is responsible for developing and implementing a fire safety policy within the company. The main tasks are:

  • Identifying risks in a fire.
  • Drafting a fire safety plan and emergency procedures.
  • Inform on firefighting resources and fire safety measures.
  • Organising training and evacuation exercises for staff.
  • Compliance with applicable fire safety regulations.

Not every business is required to have a fire alarm system, but it depends on the type of activity, the size of the building and the risk factors. Companies in high-risk sectors are usually required to install an automatic fire detection system. For smaller businesses, installing smoke detectors is sometimes sufficient.

In most cases, you should have a fire extinguisher checked annually by an authorised firm. In addition to the annual check, it is important to have fire extinguishers replaced or thoroughly tested after every 10 years. Checking fire extinguishers regularly ensures that they function properly in case of fire.

The employer is ultimately responsible for fire safety in the company. It is the employer’s duty to ensure that all necessary measures are taken to minimise fire risks. This includes appointing a prevention advisor or fire safety officer, who monitors compliance and trains employees.

If a fire breaks out, follow these steps:

  • Activate the fire alarm to alert all employees that there is a fire.
  • Make sure everyone leaves the premises safely via the nearest emergency exit.
  • Stay calm and make sure you don’t take unnecessary risks.
  • Call the fire brigade for an intervention and give clear information about the situation. This way they will be better prepared when they come to extinguish the fire.
  • Gather at the designated assembly point and check that all employees have been safely evacuated.
  • Only try to extinguish an incipient fire if it can be done safely and you have been trained to do so.

Yes, fire safety training is mandatory for employees, especially those with specific responsibilities, such as using fire extinguishers or coordinating an evacuation. In any case, all employees should be aware of fire procedures and know where emergency exits, extinguishers and assembly points are located. Periodic refresher training is also recommended.

Some key steps to improve fire safety include:

  • Check electrical installations regularly to prevent short circuits.
  • Organise trainings to prepare employees for emergencies.
  • Make sure escape routes and emergency exits are always clear.
  • Install fire doors and keep them closed.
  • Maintain a regular maintenance schedule for fire detection systems and fire extinguishers.
  • Provide clear, visible safety signs and signage throughout the company.

Prevom operates a fair and transparent policy – so there are no hidden or additional costs. Both professional and private customers always receive a valid VAT invoice.

A BA4 or BA5 certificate must always be issued by the employer. An external service is legally not allowed to do this.

In fact, it is the employer who certifies that the employee in question has the necessary skills.

Prevom can always assist you in dealing with the additional formalities involved in attestation.

Contact us for more information and a quote tailored to your needs!

Prevom is an approved service provider under the SME portfolio: DV.O245622

Thanks to this recognition, your company can make use of financial concessions from the SME-P for our training courses.

If you want to take advantage of this, instead of using our online platform, fill in the form below and indicate that you want to use the SME wallet. Then we will take care of the rest.

In case of no-show or cancellation by the client, the registration fee/invoice remains due.

If you do not participate in the examination or training, you cannot obtain a certificate/attestation either. To obtain a certificate/attestation, you must of course pass the examination/internal test.

Naturally, we will try to ensure that an examination or training opportunity never has to be cancelled by Prevom. Nevertheless, should this happen due to exceptional reasons or extreme circumstances, you will be notified by telephone or email. The registration fee will be refunded in full in the event of cancellation by Prevom, without any additional compensation on top of the initial amount you paid when booking.


Request a free fire safety quick scan

This will tell you within half an hour which aspects of fire legislation are already in line and which still need attention.

We will also help you prioritise: which aspects deserve immediate attention, which hazards exist and which steps can be taken.