Education requirement

Investing in successful employees.


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In a time of constant change, companies must adapt to remain relevant in an ever-evolving business environment. An important part of this adjustment is investing in staff development. This has led to the emergence of mandatory training plans for companies, where employees not only gain better skills, but also contribute to the success and growth of the company as a whole.

In this blog, we take a closer look at the impact of mandatory training plans, the benefits they provide and some of the challenges companies face in implementing them.

What do we mean by an education plan?

An education plan is a structured document that provides an overview of various training and educational activities. It not only identifies the specific training courses but also indicates the categories of workers for which they are intended. Every employer who has at least 20 employees is required to establish a training plan.
This plan should be communicated to employees or their representatives annually, by March 31. If the employees or their representatives agree, the edcuation plan can be established over several years.
Specifically, the plan should include, at a minimum, formal and informal training.

Formal versus informal training

Formal training

Prevom Academy offers a wide range of specific training courses. These courses are designed to provide professionals in various industries with the necessary knowledge and certifications to ensure safety in the workplace.
With expert instructors and practical learning methods, Prevom strives to support participants in achieving their professional goals and increasing their value in the job market.
More information can be found here.

Informal training

Procedure for creating an education plan

The education plan should make clear how it contributes to the new legally required investment in training.

This requirement applies to companies with at least 20 employees. Starting in 2024, each full-time employee will be entitled to five training days per year, down from four days in 2023. However, sectors may deviate from this.
Sectors have until the end of September this year to negotiate a collective bargaining agreement on this. This currently involves some uncertainty about the exact number of days. There is no standard model for an education plan. Thus, the plan can be adapted to the specific needs of the organisation.
Note that until Nov. 30, 2022, the industry to which the company belonged could possibly set minimum requirements that an education plan must meet.
Therefore, to be on the safe side, consult your industry federation to find out if there are minimum requirements or a possible model available for inspiration.
The training plan is prepared by the employer after consultation with the works council, or if absent, the union delegation. The works council or, in its absence, the union delegation must give its opinion by March 15 at the latest.
If no works council or union delegation is present within the company, the employer must submit the training plan to employees by March 15.

Consultation of the plan

By law, the plan must be delivered to the FOD WASO within a month. However, the practical procedures for submitting the plan have yet to be established by royal decree.
So at this point, you don’t have to send the plan to the FOD WASO or social inspection. In the meantime, keep the plan within your company. Your employees and their representatives should have easy access to it on demand.

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establishing an education plan?

Risks of not creating an education plan

The labor deal does not include a specific penalty for employers who do not establish an education plan. However, failure to comply with a generally binding collective bargaining agreement in your sector can result in a Level 1 sanction. This can result in an administrative fine ranging from 80 to 800 euros.
If employees must attend mandatory training to perform their jobs, you should ensure that they attend these training sessions. Failure to comply may result in a Level 3 sanction. This penalty includes an administrative fine of 400 to 4,000 euros, or a criminal fine of 800 to 8,000 euros. In addition, the fine is multiplied by the number of employees involved.


Looking for clarity?

Is an education plan mandatory? What is the procedure for an education plan? What are the risks of not drafting one?

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