Change in legislation surrounding ergonomics

What you need to know

Picture of by Sam Sleegers

by Sam Sleegers

The authority on ergonomics


On Jan. 12, 2024, the High Council for Prevention and Protection at Work gave its opinion on a draft for a Royal Decree to amend Book VIII of the Codex on well-being at work.
The purpose of the draft of the Royal Decree is to create a complete legal framework for the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders.

Table of contents

What will change specifically?

To clarify, the new legislation defines 4 concepts that will form the basis:

These definitions are added to Art. I.1-4 of the Codex.

Addition of new title and change of structure to book VIII

The current Title 1 “work seats and rest seats” is moved to
Title 4
. The new Title 1 will contain general provisions on the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders at work and consists of 3 chapters.

Risk analysis and prevention measures

The first chapter is devoted to risk analysis and prevention measures. Attention to ergonomics is required with any new workstation or workstation design. In doing so, as an employer, you must conduct a musculoskeletal risk analysis based on a non-exhaustive list of 6 risk factors:

The employer always consults the internal prevention advisor in the risk analysis and, in complex cases, the prevention advisor-ergonomist. Employees must participate in the risk assessment.
The risk analysis should be updated regularly, the results included in the overall prevention plan or annual action plan.


The second chapter requires employees and committee members to be informed and trained on musculoskeletal risks at work, prevention measures, ergonomic work methods and health surveillance.

Health Surveillance

The third chapter deals with health surveillance of employees under the rules of Book I, Title 4, with modified designation of specific risks for musculoskeletal hazards at work, in line with the new philosophy of Book VIII, Title 1 and its definitions.

Need advice on designing workstations, implementing an ergonomics policy or conducting ergonomics risk assessments? You can count on Prevom. Feel free to contact with us.

Looking for clarity?

What are the risk factors? What are MSD? How do I implement an ergonomics policy?

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