Preparation of a task risk analysis (TRA).

A detailed analysis of exceptional work.


A TRA starts with an inventory of risks.

Table of contents

What factors determine the additional risks of an assignment?

It may happen that the TRA is adjusted during the work. This may happen when the proposed work plan turns out to be infeasible in practice, the right tools are missing, working conditions have changed, or an accident or incident has just occurred.

Who draws up the TRA?

The TRA is prepared by a team of implementers, planners, work planners and, if necessary, experts. The principal issuing the work permit may also require that a TRA be prepared. You can also determine for yourself that the work is unusual and spontaneously prepare a TRA.

What should you pay attention to?

A TRA is specifically prepared for abnormal works. Pay adequate attention to the specific characteristics that make the work deviant and potentially more risky.

Need help with creating

of a TRA?

From planning to execution in 8 steps

Step 1 - Establish the task

Identify in detail what is “different” from “normal” work.

Step 2 - Determine the risks

Determine and list the risks. Don’t just look at the risks present, but also consider new risks that may arise.
For this, use Fine & Kinney’s risk analysis method:

R = W x B x E

Risk = likelihood factor x exposure factor x severity factor

tabel w score

The probability factor W is the probability that a hazard will cause damage.

tabel b score

The exposure factor B takes into account the duration and frequency of exposure to the hazard.

tabel e waarde

At severity level E, indicate the possible and most severe effects of the exposure.

tabel risicocijfer

The final risk figure gives a clear view of the acceptability of the risk.

Step 3 - Remove risks or make them manageable

Once the risks are determined, try to eliminate them. If not feasible, make them manageable: while clearing the workplace is almost always feasible, it may be practically impossible, for example, to change the height of the object being worked on. In such cases, fall risks can be made manageable through the use of fall protection, making the risk acceptable.
Eliminate risks systematically, but ensure that the practicality of the work is not compromised.

Step 4 - Analyze and describe the work preparation.

Especially consider the order of operations, these are critical in a TRA. In fact, for certain tasks, it can be very dangerous to perform the steps in the wrong order. Consider, for example, turning off a power circuit, removing pressure from a hydraulic system, or placing warnings when opening an access hatch.
Also pay adequate attention to other factors and requirements, such as the procedures to be followed, the presence and safety of machinery/tools, any training and experience requirements of the performers, and the drawings and quality requirements to be used, set by yourself or the client.

Step 5 - Draft the TRA with the team

Prepare a TRA with several workers with diverse expertise. Involvement of all implementers, planners and work planners is crucial for a broad analysis of potential risks.

Step 6 - Communicate the TRA to stakeholders

Communicate the completed TRA to all involved, including performers and supervisors. A pre-work kick-off meeting is ideal for discussing the TRA.

Step 7 - Carry out the works according to the measures

Start work after everyone is aware of the management measures. Effective advance communication ensures safer working conditions.
A written document can serve as a useful reference source. It is the employee’s responsibility to perform the work in accordance with the safety regulations and ensure that he does not pose a danger to both himself and his colleagues.

While performing the work, supervisors should closely monitor the risks identified in the TRA.

Step 8 - Evaluate and document the results.

Upon completion of the task/project, an evaluation follows with those involved, including implementers, work planners, schedulers and supervisors. Discuss whether the work was performed in accordance with safety regulations and work instructions. Discuss any unforeseen circumstances, dangerous situations or accidents.
Keep the TRA in a central location even if you do not need it again immediately. The report and evaluation of the TRA should be kept carefully, as this information may be valuable in the future as a source of inspiration for similar working conditions.


Looking for clarity?

Who should prepare a TRA? What exactly is deviant work? How long in advance can I make a TRA? Can I reuse the same TRA?

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